
This summer, Trinity House Tutorials is offering Introduction to Ancient Greek: its letters, words, conjugations, and grammar. Ancient Greek was a dominant language in the Mediterranean world and is the language of the New Testament and early church writers. Students of this class will learn the Greek alphabet and pronunciation, basic morphology of the Greek noun and verbal systems, basic grammar, and common vocabulary words (especially those used in the New Testament). Best of all, students begin to translate texts into English. Students will receive personal feedback on various facets of their Greek pronunciation, exercises, and translation.

The course will meet live on Mondays and Wednesdays and in smaller coaching groups one other day of the week. The course costs $700 for six weeks. The course will run for six weeks from May 27th-July8th. There are only 10 slots and students will be enrolled on a first-come, first-served basis. This course is college level and generally recommended for 11th and 12th grade students, though 9th and 10th grade students may be considered.

Why learn a dead language?

Many today have rediscovered the classical languages of Greek, Latin, and Hebrew and the benefits of studying them. Language study brings profound educational benefits. Studying any language enhances one's understanding of languages in general and how they work, which means they understand their native tongue better. It improves a student's ability to see patterns. It brings the delight of code-breaking (for those who like that sort of thing). It makes learning other languages easier. 

Increased facility with one's own language furthers a student's ability to think and communicate articulately. It is not a secret that much American education suffers in general because students only know one language and do not know it well because they have nothing to compare it with.  It elevates a student's attentiveness to and knowledge of grammar and sentence structure, which translates into improved composition that elevates a student's essay writing. All of these skills play an important part in scoring well on CLEP and AP exams.

But one of the greatest things about learning a language is that it opens up other worlds, and studying Greek in particular opens up the classics of early Athens, the early church fathers, and most significantly the Septuagint (translation of the Old Testament Hebrew into Greek) and the New Testament. Students who put in the effort will be able to see linguistic connections across the Old and New Testaments, which is possible in a unique way with the Greek language.

Introduction to Greek summer intensive will run from July 28th through August 15th. It is a three week intensive meeting for several hours each day (with breaks!), four days a week. It is rigorous, but one of the best ways to lay a solid foundation.

Ready to start? Sign up below!